oktober 2023 (24 minuten)
Azeem Azhar is een Britse ondernemer, investeerder en analist, en publiceert Exponential View, een nieuwsbrief over de invloed van technologische veranderingen op de economie en de samenleving.
Azhar: 'I was really fascinated by one part of research, and it suggested that the discussions amongst these participants were much more dignified, and were better able to deal with difficult questions, than the nature of the discussion that had happened within parliamentary committees within the Irish parliament.'
Zie ook:
- Interview met politicologe Hélène Landemore
- Interview met Hélène Landemore over Open Democracy
- A Radical Proposal for True Democracy
- Hélène Landemore: 'demofobie in Amerikaanse grondwet'
- Hélène Landemore: maak gelote burgers beslissingsbevoegd
- The New Yorker schrijft opnieuw over loting