Nu is het aan ons; oproep tot echte democratie | |
auteur: Eva Rovers, 22 april 2022 (186 blz, âŹ15,00)
'In dit vlammende betoog laat Eva Rovers zien dat burgers cruciaal zijn voor het oplossen van de grootste uitdagingen van deze tijd.'
Tegen verkiezingen | Libris | | |
Against Elections | | German, French, and other languages
auteur: David Van Reybrouck, 2013 (153 blz, âŹ12,50)
De Vlaamse schrijver Van Reybrouck analyseert de crisis van het verkiezingsstelsel, legt uit waarom het loten van burgers een beter alternatief kan zijn, beschrijft de geschiedenis van loting vanaf het oude Athene en doet uit de doeken dat het begrip democratie tot een paar eeuwen terug niet verwees naar verkiezingen maar naar loting en dat verkiezingen na de achttiende eeuwse revoluties juist werden ingevoerd om democratie tegen te houden.
De Black Box Democratie; Een nieuw politiek systeem voor Nederland | |
auteur: Dilara Bilgiç, 2020 (112 blz, âŹ21,50)
'De Black Box Democratie is hierdoor een zelflerend politiek systeem; een systeem waarin politici geen winnaars of verliezers meer zijn, waarin burgers directe inspraak hebben, waarin wetenschap een plek heeft en tegengestelde opvattingen worden geĂŻntegreerd.'
Zie ook: Dutch newspaper reviews book about sortition written by teenager
Kiezen voor democratie | | |
auteur: Marcia Luyten, 28 november 2024 (96 blz, âŹ15,00)
'Verkiezingen zijn nooit ontworpen voor sociale media. Ze zijn niet berekend op nepnieuws, niet op AI-beelden, niet op manipulerende algoritmes, niet op techmiljardairs met te veel macht. Als gevolg dolen we in een politiek Wonderland, waar burgers zichzelf en elkaar in absurditeit en complotten verliezen. In de snel polariserende samenleving werken verkiezingen als een centrifuge: alles zwiept naar de uitersten. (...) In Kiezen voor democratie laat Marcia Luyten zien hoe we de weg naar de basis van onze democratie kunnen terugvinden.'
Zie ook: âDe democratie speelt zich niet buiten ons afâ, Binnenlands Bestuur, 28 november 2024
Tegen technocratische tendensen. Voor vrijheid en democratie. | pdf
auteur: Dirk-Jan van Vliet, Mr. Hans van Mierlo Stichting, 2023 (52 blz, âŹ9,95)
'In dit essay zet auteur Dirk-Jan van Vliet uiteen hoe hedendaagse technocratische tendensen samenhangen met ons begrip van vrijheid als âmet rust gelaten wordenâ. Het is dan ook door een ander vrijheidsbegrip te omarmen dat we deze tendensen tegen kunnen gaan, namelijk het âdemocratisch vrijheidsbegripâ dat voortkomt uit de oude Griekse stadstaat Athene. Uit dit vrijheidsbegrip volgt het inzicht dat het hoog tijd is om het aantal democratische momenten in het leven van mensen te vergroten. Daarom sluit het essay af met drie radicale voorstellen om publieke instituties democratischer te maken: het wetenschapsburgerberaad, het technologieburgerberaad en het zorgburgerberaad.'
(S)election: Sortition, the democratic alternative |
auteur: Terry Bouricius, 2 februari 2017 (31 blz, âŹ0,99)
'the source of democratic dysfunction is more deeply rooted than most people imagine. It's not just the corruption of money, nor gerrymandering, nor low voter turnout, nor lack of civility, nor winner-take all plurality election laws. We assume that elections are the only legitimate means of forming a representative popular government, and that elections fundamentally define democracy. Reforms may nibble around the edges, but the fundamental dysfunction of modern democracy is inherent in elections themselves, no matter how they are reformed. There is another way. Few Americans are aware of the global resurgence of an ancient tool of democracy called sortition â the use of random selection or scientific sampling to form genuinely representative deliberative bodies that are sometimes referred to as "mini-publics.". People can govern themselves better, with a representative government, without this exclusive reliance on elections. I will describe some of the inevitable failings of our competitive electoral democracy and present the democratic alternative of sortition. Juries are the prime example today.'
Zie ook dit interview met de auteur en zelf voormalig politicus:
Terry Bouricius on democracy beyond elections
Open Democracy: Reinventing Popular Rule for the Twenty-First Century | | | Libris
auteur: HĂ©lĂšne Landemore, 13 oktober 2020 (272 blz)
'Open Democracy demonstrates that placing ordinary citizens, rather than elites, at the heart of democratic power is not only the true meaning of a government of, by, and for the people, but also feasible and, today more than ever, urgently needed.'
Zie ook: No Time for Castles: From Closed to Open Democracy, interview met HĂ©lĂšne Landemore, Resilience, 16 juli 2021 en de podcast A Radical Proposal for True Democracy waarin Ezra Klein (New York Times) HĂ©lĂšne Landemore interviewt.
Sortition: Reviving Democracy Through Citizen Assemblies: Power by Lottery: Reimagining Democracy for a New Era | |
auteur: by Robert Walker, 15 december 2024 (64 blz)
'At a time when traditional electoral politics is marred by polarization, elite control, and public disillusionment, this book introduces sortition â the practice of selecting political representatives through random lottery â as a revolutionary yet practical solution. (...) Blending historical insight with contemporary examples, the book traces sortitionâs roots from its successful use in ancient Athens to its resurgence in modern-day experiments in Ireland, Iceland, and beyond. (...) It outlines a bold proposal for implementing sortition at various levels of government, exploring the logistics of selection, training, and integration with existing institutions. (...) With a balance of rigorous research, compelling storytelling, and a touch of wit (...) Whether youâre a political junkie, a frustrated voter, or simply curious about how we can make governance more inclusive and effective, this book offers a hopeful vision for the future.'
The Democracy Manifesto: A Dialogue on Why Elections Need to be Replaced with Sortition | | Libris
auteurs: Wayne Waxman en Alison McCulloch, 15 december 2021 (198 blz)
'Elections are not the solution to political crisis, they're the problem. In lively dialogue form, The Democracy Manifesto explains why elections are anti-democratic and should be replaced with government in which decision-makers are randomly selected from the population at large.'
Zie ook de discussie over dit boek op
Activated Citizenship: The Transforming Power of Citizensâ Assemblies | | Libris
auteur: Marjan H. Ehsassi, directeur FIDE Noord-Amerika, 14 augustus 2024 (286 blz)
'Based on empirical evidence, the book explores the ways in which government-led citizensâ assemblies can promote a more Activated Citizen. To fully realize the transformative potential of deliberative platforms, a final chapter offers a blueprint for impact, outlining concrete measures along with recommendations for the design and implementation of future government-initiated deliberative platforms.'
Lottocracy: Democracy without Elections | |
auteur: Alexander Guerrero, oktober 2024 (464 blz)
'Elections are failing as accountability mechanisms (...). Elections provide powerful short-term incentives, leading elected politicians to downplay long-term catastrophic concerns. Elections create division where none need exist. (...) Alexander Guerrero takes seriously the possibility that although electoral democracy has been better than all systems that have been tried, the basic mechanism at its core â the election â is broken, and unworkable under modern political conditions. (...) Guerrero introduces and discusses lottocratic systems, their potential advantages, and potential concerns. The argument engages with foundational philosophical questions, considering how rights of political participation, political equality, political power, considerations of accountability and legitimacy, and the nature of democracy itself are illuminated and reconfigured once we move past the electoral representative framework.'
zie ook: podcast met professor Guerrero, 2023, en review door Sam Mace, december 2024
Verwacht (2024):
Politics Without Politicians âââââ
auteur: HĂ©lĂšne Landemore (zie ook: artikel in The New Yorker, 2020)
Verwacht (7 januari 2025)
Politics of Random Selection â Making Good Use of Sortition
auteur: Gil Delannoi
Democracyâs Second Act
auteurs: Peter MacLeod en Richard Johnson
Superminority: Sortition and the Democratic Diarchy
auteurs: Keith Sutherland en Alex Kovner (University of Exeter)
The Trouble with Elections
auteur: Terry Bouricius
Voordat de printversie van het boek uitkomt, stelt Bouricius in delen conceptversies beschikbaar, met de bedoeling feedback te krijgen om het definitieve boek beter te maken. Je opgeven voor het krijgen van conceptversies kan hier.
The Lottocratic Mentality. Defending Democracy against Lottocracy
auteurs: Cristina Lafont en Nadia Urbinati (Oxford University Press)
A New Constitution for the United States of America â A New Birth of Freedom, Responsibility, and Affection | |
auteur: Neal Beets (487 blz, US$ 9,99), oktober 2020
'Complete text of a new constitution for the United States, preserving what is best in our current Constitution and adding new policies (and reasons for those new policies) responding to the last two hundred years of American history and experience with our current Constitution'. Met een rol voor loting.
We Need To Talk About Climate â How Citizensâ Assemblies Can Help Us Solve The Climate Crisis | | | gratis EPUB/Mobi/pdf download | gratis mp3 audiobook
auteur: Graham Smith, 5 september 2024 (182 blz)
'This book explains why climate assemblies have captured the imagination of governments and activists alike, exploring the ways they can have a meaningful impact on climate politics.'
Against Sortition? The Problem with Citizens' Assemblies | Libris | | | |
redacteur: Geoffrey Grandjean, 7 mei 2024 (300 blz, ÂŁ35.00; âŹ39,99 Ă âŹ49,95; $70.00)
'This book presents the institutionalisation of sortition while questioning its political consequences in terms of representation and deliberation. Several examples are used, such as the Citizensâ Climate Convention in France and the Conference on the Future of Europe. In the end, the book helps to identify the consequences of using sortition with regard to the principles of equality and inclusion. Above all, it offers readers the possibility of continuing to reflect on this method of random selection, while promoting the implementation of greater equality between citizens.'
The Keys to Democracy: Sortition as a New Model for Citizen Power | | Libris
auteur: Maurice Pope, 7 maart 2023 (250 blz, âŹ31,99 Ă âŹ34,95)
Boek over loting dat al in de jaren 80 geschreven werd door de inmiddels overleden classicus Maurice Pope, vader van Hugh Pope. Uitgeverijen wilden het toen niet uitgeven. Het manuscript werd onverwacht teruggevonden in zijn nalatenschap. 'Back in the 1980s, few others proposed that randomly selected citizens could, after proper information and deliberation, reach better decisions than elected politicians. This open field is perhaps one reason for the bookâs unique and accessible combination of the history, mathematics, philosophy and future of sortition. My dadâs ideal â in which random selection could be the decision-making heart of all branches of government â also makes him more radical than most other thinkers writing today.'
Zie ook het artikel Power to the People, waarin Nick Coccoma dit boek bespreekt, de podcast Using Sortition to Solve "Wicked Problems" with Hugh Pope, de lovende commentaren van een aantal vooraanstaande voorstanders van loting op de site van Hugh Pope en de recensie van het boek op door Yoram Gat. In deze recensie wordt ook aangegeven dat het boek van Pope het derde boek ooit geschreven is waarin gepleit wordt voor loting als belangrijk onderdeel van bestuur in de huidige tijd. De twee eerdere boeken, A Citizen Legislature (Callenbach en Phillips) en Is Democracy Possible? (Burnheim), kwamen beide uit in 1985, maar Pope had van beide boeken klaarblijkelijk geen weet.
The Government of Chance: Sortition and Democracy from Athens to the Present | |
auteur: Yves Sintomer, 16 februari 2023 (341 blz)
'the single best book on democracy in at least three decades. A work of synthesis, it compresses between its covers all scholarship on the subject in recent years, moving effortlessly between history, theory, and praxis. In sweeping fashion, it stretches back two and a half millennia and brings you right to our present moment. And it does so with clarity of thought and vivacity of style. If youâre searching for one volume to orient you to the terms of debate within the study of democracy and government, look no further.' (Nick Coccoma, 12 april 2023)
'explores why sortition is returning, how it is coupled with deliberation, and why randomly selected 'minipublics' and citizens' assemblies are flourishing. Relying on a growing international and interdisciplinary literature, Sintomer provides the first systematic and theoretical reconstruction of the government of chance from Athens to the present. At what conditions can it be rational? What lessons can be drawn from history? The Government of Chance therefore clarifies the democratic imaginaries at stake: deliberative, antipolitical, and radical, making a plaidoyer for the latter.'
Permanent Citizensâ Assemblies: A New Model for Public Deliberation | | gratis pdf
auteur: Larry Patriquin, 2020 (93 blz)
'This book focuses on one way to strengthen our political system, to increase its legitimacy, by forcing governments to, in effect, listen to âthe people.â It makes a case for the creation of permanent citizensâ assemblies (CAs). These assemblies would consist of groups of ordinary adults, an equal number of men and women, chosen at random from the population, from among those who are willing and able to participate. They would be charged with examining important public issues and recommending ways to address those issues.'
Can Democracy Safeguard the Future? | | Libris
auteur: Graham Smith, 2021 (160 blz)
'From pensions to pandemics, health and social care through to climate, biodiversity and emerging technologies, democracies have been unable to deliver robust policies for the long term. Graham Smith asks why. He considers ways of reshaping legislatures and constitutions and proposes strengthening independent offices whose overarching goals do not change at every election. More radically, Smith argues that forms of participatory and deliberative politics offer the most effective democratic response to the current political myopia, as well as a powerful means of protecting the interests of generations to come.'
Democracy for realists: why elections do not produce responsive government | | Libris
auteurs: Christopher Achen en Larry Bartels (408 blz)
commentaar op dit boek door Terry Bouricius, degene die een modern concept van multi-body sortition uitwerkte: 'They unarguably document that elections cannot work to hold politicians accountable, and then shrug, and suggest stronger parties, etc. as a ârealisticâ alternative to actual democracy. I highly recommend most of their book, for its examples and evidence of why elections can never workâŠ. but the reader should then go on to explore sortition as the workable alternative.'
Democracy When the People Are Thinking | Libris | | pdf
auteur: James S. Fishkin, 2020 (272 blz)
'contributes both to political theory and to the empirical study of public opinion and participation. It should interest anyone concerned about the future of democracy and how it can be revitalized.'
When the People Speak: Deliberative Democracy and Public Consultation | Libris |
auteur: James S. Fishkin, 2011 (254 blz)
'outlines deliberative democracy projects conducted by the author with various collaborators in the US, China, Britain, Denmark, Australia, Italy, Bulgaria, Northern Ireland, and in the entire European Union. These projects have resulted in the massive expansion of wind power in Texas, the building of sewage treatment plants in China, and greater mutual understanding between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.'
Citizens: Why the Key to Fixing Everything Is All of Us | Libris |
auteur: Jon Alexander, februari 2022 (320 blz)
Zie ook deze podcast
Mehr Demokratie wagen: FĂŒr eine Teilhabe aller | Libris |
auteurs: Bruno S. Frey en Oliver Zimmer, 16 januari 2023 (157 blz)
'Die reprĂ€sentativen Demokratien in Europa funktionieren nicht mehr. Warum? Weil sie keine echte Teilhabe gewĂ€hren, sondern moderne Aristokratien geworden sind, die die meisten Leute von der politischen Macht ausschlieĂen. In einer Demokratie aber, die auf weitestgehende Teilhabe setzt, sollten das ökonomische und kulturelle Kapital der BĂŒrger:innen keine Rolle spielen.'
Boek gaat deels over loting, namelijk als derde oplossingrichting.
Grundgesetz und aleatorische Demokratie â Zur Vereinbarkeit von Losverfahren mit dem Demokratieprinzip des Grundgesetzes | |
auteur: Philip Berger, 17 april 2024 (443 blz, âŹ99,90)
Wir holen Euch ab! Wie wir durch BĂŒrgerrĂ€te und Zufallsauswahl echte Vielfalt in die Demokratie bringen | |
auteurs: Katharina Liesenberg en Linus Strothmann, 13 januari 2022 (256 blz)
'Ideeën voor betere burgerberaden'
Demokratie in stĂŒrmischen Zeiten: FĂŒr eine Politik des Gehörtwerdens
auteur: Gisela Erler, 8 april 2024 (272 blz)
'Am Kabinettstisch von MinisterprĂ€sident Winfried Kretschmann war sie als enge Vertraute ab 2011 maĂgeblich an der Umsetzung der »Politik des Gehörtwerdens« beteiligt und daran, dass Baden-WĂŒrttemberg heute das Musterland der BĂŒrgerbeteiligung in Europa ist. In ihrem Buch beschĂ€ftigt sich Gisela Erler vor dem Hintergrund ihrer eigenen bewegten Biografie und ihren vielfĂ€ltigen Erfahrungen mit der Frage, wie unsere Demokratie den aktuellen weltpolitischen StĂŒrmen trotzt, wie der Populismus in Schach gehalten wird und vor allem, wie sich BĂŒrgerinnen und BĂŒrger konkret und zum Wohle aller einmischen können.'
recensie in de SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung, 18 augustus 2024
Moi citoyen, L'aventure de la Convention citoyenne pour le climat vue de l'intérieur | | |
auteur: Grégoire Fraty, februari 2021 (266 blz)
Gelote Fransman Grégoire Fraty schreef een boek over zijn deelname aan het Franse klimaatberaad.
Zie ook: âWij waren 150 steentjes in de schoenen van Macronâ, NRC Handelsblad, 31 maart 2021
La grande désillusion, vécus de la Convention citoyenne sur le climat | | | intro
februari 2023 (200 blz)
Getuigenissen van zestien deelnemers aan het Franse klimaatberaad (2019)
Nous ne sommes pas en démocratie: Plaidoyer pour le tirage au sort | |
auteurs: Béatrice en Salomé Mabilon, 2022 (79 blz)
graphic novel over loting die zich vijf jaar in de toekomst afspeelt
La démocratie déliberative: anthologie des textes fondamentaux |
auteurs: Charles Girard en Alice Le Goff, 2010 (550 blz)
'à quelles conditions une décision politique est-elle légitime en démocratie ? Certains philosophes contemporains affirment que seule une délibération publique et libre entre des citoyens égaux peut constituer le fondement de la légitimité politique dans nos sociétés contemporaines, complexes et pluralistes.'
Radical Proceduralism: Democracy from Philosophical Principles to Political Institutions | Libris |
auteur: Dannica FleuĂ, 30 juni 2021 (216 blz)
'Proposing an alternative, âradical proceduralistâ understanding of democratic legitimacy and institutional reform, Radical Proceduralism argues that there is no such thing as âpolitical truthâ or âcorrectnessâ that could justify experts wielding political power. Rather, the only criterion for democratic legitimacy is the fair and equal inclusion of all affected citizens.'
The A, B and C of Democracy | |
auteurs: Luca Belgiorno-Nettis en Kyle Redman, 31 augustus 2021 (112 blz)
'This handbook is an introduction to minipublics â otherwise known as citizensâ juries or assemblies â interspersed with a few travel anecdotes to share the momentum behind the basic methodology of deliberative democracy. As the world accelerates into its digital future, with new modes of working, connecting and living â our parliaments remain relics from a primordial, ideological and adversarial age. Meanwhile urgent challenges are stumbling to half-solutions in slow-motion. Collaboration amongst us humans in the Anthropocene is no longer just a nice-to-have.'
The End of Politicians: Time for a Real Democracy |
auteur: Brett Hennig, 28 februari 2017 (223 blz)
'combines insights from the history of democracy with a critical understanding of the information revolution to explain how we can fix democracy by eliminating politicians and replacing them with a representative network of everyday citizens.
Legislature by Lot: Transformative Designs for Deliberative Governance | Libris |
auteurs: John Gastil en Erik Olin Wright, 9 april 2019 (448 blz)
'John Gastil and Erik Olin Wright make the case for pairing a sortition body with an elected chamber within a bicameral legislature. Gastil is a leading deliberative democracy scholar, and Wright a distinguished sociologist and editor of the Real Utopias series, of which this is a part. In this volume, they bring together critics and advocates of sortition who have studied ancient Athens, deliberative polling, political theory, social movements, and civic innovation.'
Daaruit: A gradualist path towards sortition (pdf) door Deven Burks en Raphaël Kies, Universiteit van Luxemburg, 2019 (blz 259-277), samengevat in het Frans op Démocurieux
Power in Deliberative Democracy: Norms, Forums, Systems | |
auteurs: Nicole Curato, Marit Hammond en John Min, 2018 (190 blz)
'This book (...) argues that deliberative democracyâs tense relationship with power is not a pathology but constitutive of deliberative practice. Deliberative democracy gains relevance when it navigates complex relations of power in modern societies, learns from its mistakes, remains epistemically humble but not politically meek.'
Enabling National Initiatives to Take Democracy Beyond Elections
UN Democracy Fund & the newDemocracy Foundation, 2019
Gratis handboek voor het ontwerpen en organiseren van democratische besluitvorming door middel van gelote burgerraden, met hoofdstukken speciaal gericht op politici, ambtenaren, belangenbehartigers en projectteams.
pdf | online (232 blz)
De Gruyter handbook of Citizensâ Assemblies |
redactie: Min Reuchamps , Julien Vrydagh en Yanina Welp, mei 2023 (412 blz)
'showcases the state of the art around the study of CAs and opens novel perspectives informed by multidisciplinary research and renewed thinking about deliberative participatory processes. It discusses the latest theoretical, empirical, and methodological scientific developments on CAs and offers a unique resource for scholars, decision-makers, practitioners, and curious citizens to better understand the qualities, purposes, promises but also pitfalls of CAs.'
pdf | epub
Meer boeken:
- Uitgebreide boekenlijst op
gerangschikt per jaar, beginnend in 425 voor Christus - Boekenlijst uitgebracht door leden van het wereldwijde samenwerkingsverband Democracy R&D
- Books on Deliberative Democracy and Citizens' Assemblies, DemocracyNext (scroll omlaag)
- Boeken over de democratie in het oude Athene
- Sortition Hub: alle publicaties van Imprint Academic over loting op Ă©Ă©n plek, inclusief het in 2025 te verschijnen wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Journal of Sortition. Als je je inschijft voor de nieuwsbrief krijg je korting op de aanschaf van boeken.
International Journal of Public Participation
Journal of Deliberative Democracy (voorheen: Journal of Public Deliberation)
Deliberative Democracy Digest
'A roundup of recent developments in the theory and practice of deliberative democracy'
Verwacht (voorjaar 2025): Journal of Sortition
Global Citizen Deliberation on Artificial Intelligence: Options and design considerations
door Tim Davies, 18 september 2024
'This report explores how global citizen deliberation (...) could and should shape the future of artificial intelligence. Drawing on an extended design lab of in-depth interviews and workshops that took place in mid-2024, it presents a series of options that illustrate a variety of opportunities to bring the voices of those affected by AI development and deployment into decision-making spaces, through processes that can deliver informed and inclusive dialogue. (...) We present the strengths and weaknesses of these options, and outline additional design considerations they give rise to around recruitment, governance, agenda-setting, transnational dialogue and aggregation of findings, and the use of AI as a delivery tool.'
Assembling an Assembly Guide | pdf
DemocracyNext, september 2023 (72 blz)
'to equip everyone with the principles and practices necessary to organize a successful Citizens' Assembly in their context â in a sense, to help democratise the creation of Assemblies themselves.'
Six ways to democratise city planning - Enabling thriving and healthy cities | pdf
DemocracyNext, 2024
'enriching and expanding how we engage with people by creating a deeper culture of engagement that can enable the conditions for a systemic, structural shift.'
Ook beschikbaar in het Frans en Spaans
The European Citizens' Assembly: Designing the missing branch of the EU | samenvatting
auteurs: Carsten Berg, Claudia Chwalisz, Kalypso Nicolaidis en Yves Sintomer, september 2023 (33 blz)
'In this paper, we outline why we need a European Citizensâ Assembly â a political institution of everyday people from across the European Union (EU) selected by sortition â why it should share real power with the other institutions of the EU, its core principles and design features, and we suggest pathways for implementation.'
Circular Power Politics: A Politicianâs Guide to Five Opportunities to Lead With and For the People | pdf
door: Apolitical Foundation, Berlijn, 2023
"All over the world, we see a new way of doing politics taking shape. 'Circular Power Politics' sees politician and citizen power joining together to create ongoing and reciprocal cycles of communication and collaboration between elections. In an age marked by growing authoritarianism and political challenges, this guide provides actionable insights and strategies to strengthen democracies and rebuild trust between politicians and citizens. It draws on successful global examples for fostering citizen-politician engagements such as citizensâ assemblies, participatory budgeting, and digital crowdsourcing."
Institutionalizing deliberative mini-publics? Issues of legitimacy and power for randomly selected assemblies in political systems
auteur: Dimitri Courant, Critical Policy Studies, 180 blz, 2022
'Randomly selected deliberative mini-publics (DMPs) are on the rise globally. However, they remain ad hoc, opening the door to arbitrary manoeuvre and triggering a debate on their future institutionalization. What are the competing proposals aiming at institutionalizing DMPs within political systems? I suggest three ways for thinking about institutionalization: in terms of temporality, of legitimacy and support, and of power and role within a system. First, I analyze the dimension of time and how this affect DMP institutional designs. Second, I argue that because sortition produces âweak representativesâ with âhumility-legitimacyâ, mini-publics hardly ever make binding decisions and need to rely on external sources of legitimacies. Third, I identify four institutional models, relying on opposing views of legitimacy and politics: tamed consultation, radical democracy, representative klerocracy and hybrid polyarchy. They differ in whether mini-publics are interpreted as tools: for legitimizing elected officials; to give power to the people; or as a mean to suppress voting.'
Draagvlak voor het burgerforum
auteurs: Josje den Ridder, Toine Fiselier (RU) en Carolien van Ham (RU), 4 november 2021 (40 blz)
Een opinieonderzoek van de Radboud Universiteit (RU) en het Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) dat laat zien dat een ruime meerderheid het idee van een burgerforum steunt. Uit het onderzoek komt ook naar voren dat er meer steun is voor een lokaal dan een nationaal burgerforum.
Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions: Catching the Deliberative Wave | Spaanse versie (pdf) | Japanse versie
OESO, 2020 (198 blz)
'This report has gathered close to 300 representative deliberative practices to explore trends in such processes, identify different models, and analyse the trade-offs among different design choices as well as the benefits and limits of public deliberation. It includes Good Practice Principles for Deliberative Processes for Public Decision Making (...). Finally, the report explores the reasons and routes for embedding deliberative activities into public institutions to give citizens a more permanent and meaningful role in shaping the policies affecting their lives.'
Eight ways to institutionalise deliberative democracy
OECD Public Governance Policy Papers, No. 12, 14 December 2021
'Increasingly, public authorities are reinforcing democracy by making use of deliberative processes in a structural way, beyond one-off initiatives that are often dependent on political will. The guide provides examples of how to create structures that allow representative public deliberation to become an integral part of how certain types of public decisions are taken.'
Democracy Through Multi-Body Sortition: Athenian Lessons for the Modern Day
auteur: Terrill Bouricius, Journal of Public Deliberation, 2013
Samenvatting: 'Mature Classical Athenian democracy is presented as a representative system, rather than the commonly described form of âdirect democracy.â When viewed in this way, the commonly assumed problem of scale in applying Athenian democracy to modern nation states is solved, and principles and practices of the Athenian model of democracy continue to have relevance today. The key role of sortition (selection by lot) to form multiple deliberative bodies is explained. Five dilemmas faced by modern proposals for the use of sortition are examined. Finally, a new model of lawmaking using multiple allotted bodies is presented, which resolves these dilemmas and which can be implemented in many ways, from a small addition to an existing system to a more fundamental reform such as replacing one or both elected chambers of a legislature.'
Against Elections: The Lottocratic Alternative
auteur Alexander A. Guerrero, Philosophy & Public Affairs, 2014
'It is widely accepted that electoral representative democracy is betterâalong a number of different normative dimensionsâthan any other alternative lawmaking political arrangement. It is not typically seen as much of a competition: it is also widely accepted that the only legitimate alternative to electoral representative democracy is some form of direct democracy, but direct democracyâwe are toldâwould lead to bad policy. This article makes the case that there is a legitimate alternative systemâone that uses lotteries, not elections, to select political officialsâ that would be better than electoral representative democracy.'
Legislature by Lot: Envisioning Sortition within a Bicameral System
auteurs: John Gastil en Erik Olin Wright, Politics & Society, 2018
'In this article, we review the intrinsic democratic flaws in electoral representation, lay out a set of principles that should guide the construction of a sortition chamber, and argue for the virtue of a bicameral system that combines sortition and elections. We show how sortition could prove inclusive, give citizens greater control of the political agenda, and make their participation more deliberative and influential. We consider various design challenges, such as the sampling method, legislative training, and deliberative procedures. We explain why pairing sortition with an elected chamber could enhance its virtues while dampening its potential vices. In our conclusion, we identify ideal settings for experimenting with sortition.'
Itâs Not Just the Taking Part that Counts: âLike Meâ Perceptions Connect the Wider Public to Minipublics
auteurs: J. Pow, L. van Dijk en S. Marien, Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 14 oktober 2020
Loting krijgt vaak als kritiek dat de gelote groep miniem is vergeleken met de totale populatie waardoor het inzetten van gelote burgers nooit legitiem kan zijn. Dit onderzoek laat zien dat de grote groep niet-deelnemende burgers de burgerberaden als legitiem beschouwen als deze niet-deelnemers vinden dat de gelote burgers op hen lijken en politici juist nĂet op hen lijken.
Against modernist illusions: why we need more democratic and constructivist alternatives to debunking conspiracy theories
auteur: Jaron Harambam, 2021
In dit wetenschappelijke artikel legt de Nederlandse socioloog Harambam uit dat het ontmaskeren van samenzweringstheorieën niet onmogelijk, onprofessioneel, en niet effectief is. Hij stelt voor om - naast wetenschappelijke deskundigen - ook gelote burgerforums in te zetten.
Next level EU citizen participation
Van 27 tot en met 30 oktober 2020 vond er een online burgerberaad plaats van gelote burgers uit Denemarken, Duitsland, Ierland, Italië en Litouwen. Het werd georganiseerd door de Bertelsmannstichting en de Europese Commissie. EU-burgerberaden worden al gehouden sinds 2012, maar voor het eerst gebeurde het nu online en op basis van loting, en konden burgers uit verschillende EU-landen in hun eigen taal, met behulp van vertalers, met elkaar in gesprek. Download het rapport, of bekijk de webinar. Zie ook het eerdere rapport EuropÀische Demokratie gestalten over het beraad met burgers uit Polen, Frankrijk en Duitsland in maart 2020 in Berlijn.
Designing a Permanent Deliberative Citizensâ Assembly - The Ostbelgien Modell in Belgium
auteurs: Christoph Niessen en Min Reuchamps, 2019 (pdf, 29 blz)
'In this paper, we aim at explaining how the initiative was born, how the model was designed and how it is implemented. In our analysis of the political process, we provide twelve factors to explain why such an advanced model of citizen deliberation came into existence.'
Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizensâ Assembly |
auteurs: Mark Warren en Hilary Pearse, 2008 (252 blz)
In 2004 werden 160 gelote burgers in staat gesteld om het kiessysteem van de Canadese provincie British Columbia te hervormen. Hiermee kregen gelote burgers voor het eerst in de moderne geschiedenis de mogelijkheid om het politieke systeem zélf te veranderen.
Citizens' Assemblies; Democracy that Works
auteur: Marcin Gerwin, 2018 (88 blz)
gratis downloads; beschikbaar in het Engels, Spaans, Frans, Duits, Italiaans en Pools
Citizensâ White Paper
auteurs: Miriam Levin, Polly Curtis, Sahar Castell, Hana Kapetanovic, juli 2024 (79 blz)
Demos en Involve
'Our Citizensâ White Paper sets out why, when and how the government could embed citizen involvement in national policy making to tackle the complex and potentially divisive challenges facing our country and deliver on the Prime Ministerâs promise to restore trust in politics.'
Democracy in a Pandemic: Participation in Response to Crisis
auteurs: Graham Smith, Tim Hughes, Lizzie Adams en Charlotte Obijiaku, juli 2021
University of Westminster Press
gratis downloadbaar als pdf, epub en mobi
Between militant democracy and citizen vigilantism: Using citizensâ assemblies to keep parties democratic
auteurs: Tore Vincents Olsen en Juha Tuovinen, december 2023 (pdf, 22 blz)
Cambridge University Press
'This article argues for sortition-based citizensâ assemblies (CAs) organized in and by civil society to formulate democratic standards for political parties to follow, to evaluate them individually and to criticize them publicly if they do not.'
What if We Selected our Leaders by Lottery? Democracy by Sortition, Liberal Elections and Communist Revolutionaries
auteur: Alpa Shah (open access, mei 2021)
'(...) about sortition and democracy as practiced by the Munda and Oraon people living in a relatively remote, forested area of eastern India in the state of Jharkhand.'
'(...) this article compares three different models of leadership and democracy: liberal electoral democracy; Marxist-Leninist Maoist democracy; and democracy by sortition â the random selection of rotating leaders. The significance of sortition is introduced into discussions of democracy in India (showing connections with practices in Nepal and China) as part of a broader attempt to make scholarship on South Asia more democratic. (...) The final aim of the article is to highlight the virtues of the potential of sortition in creating democratic society globally. How we think about democracy and leadership is thus turned on its head to provide a new vision for the future.'