In deze podcast van Malcolm Gladwell wordt Adam Cronkright geïnterviewd, die loting heeft helpen invoeren voor leerlingenraden in Bolivia. De leerlingen mochten zelf kiezen of ze mee wilden doen aan de loting. Overigens komt ook loting voor het selecteren van onderzoeksprojecten aan bod.
Van de leerlingen die zich opgaven om geloot te kunnen worden, gaf driekwart aan zich niet kandidaat te hebben gesteld als er verkiezingen waren geweest. Gladwell: 'They liked serving in office, they just didn't want to run for office. The demands of the campaign were filtering out all kinds of people who would otherwise have been very interested in student council politics.'
Gladwell: 'In a democracy elections are supposed to encourage participation, but they don't. They discourage it. Lotteries encourage participation.'
Cronkright, over de eerste bijeenkomst van de ingelote leerlingen: 'The number of times that we walked out of those meetings and been worried about particular students who seemed really unplugged, just kind of closed body language, uncomfortable, didn't participate much, and within a couple of weeks they figure out what is expected of them, how they can plug in, and by the end of their term they're even voted by their peers as one of the most important members of the team. That's an experience we've had over and over again.'
Adam Cronkright heeft een organisatie opgericht voor het loten van leerlingenraden: Democracy in Practice.
Podcast: The Powerball Revolution
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Revisionist History, 2 juli 2020
Bron: Malcolm Gladwell on sortition,
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